Social Coaching Club
Counseling and Coaching Center for Social Skills Development
Counseling and Coaching Center for Social Skills Development
Students learn many different types of social skills; how to manage anger and stress, make friends and deal with bullying, improve listening and communication skills, develop good manners, learn how to see a situation from several perspectives and become better problem solvers with alternative conflict resolution skills.
An essential element within Social Coaching Club's many programs is its social skills empowerment classes, which focus on imparting The 8 Core Social Skills®.
View class registration for available programs or join our waitlist today.
Social Coaching Club Inc. offers therapeutic services for children, adolescents, college students, individuals, couples, and families through our SCCI Counseling Center . Therapy sessions are with licensed Marriage and Family therapists. Scheduling is based on clients' needs, and is typically held weekly.
We remain vigilant in our monitoring of the situation. Our focus is to keep our clients and staff safe through adherence to best practices and the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Masks are required for any in-person services (therapy, coaching or classes).
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